TMNT Classics Leonardo
More nostalgia now with the classic Leonardo of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classic Collection from Playmates Toys.
About the Turtles: Catapulted from indie comic book origins to super stardom in the original Murakami-Wolf-Sweson series (MWS) animated series. TMNT ran on air for nearly a decade (1987-1996) and ranked #1 in the ratings for an unprecendated 5 years straight! Featured in over 190 episodes. The fun loving, shell kicking teens are still recognized around the world and fondly remembered by fans with every bite of pizza.
The Thundercats was my first big animated series I was a huge fan of and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were the next. I think I had more toys from this show that any other toys that I was a fan of. The role play weapons, the vehicles the large variety of figures and the crazy variations available, Astronaut Raphael anyone? I had lots of figures including the original vintage ones and the figures that transformed from regular turtles and to the TMNT.
I never really had a favorite character, I loved them all but mostly Leonardo because he was the leader. I had a few of Michelangelo, he was the fun one and his shade of green was one of my favorite colours at that age, and because he ""was a party dude" I loved to place him on the table and spin him on his back like a spinning top.I even had the huge blimp which I really loved. My auntie had made me and my brother a custom costume complete with eye mask, elbow and knees pads and turtle shell, and my costume was based on Leonardo.
I never really had a favorite character, I loved them all but mostly Leonardo because he was the leader. I had a few of Michelangelo, he was the fun one and his shade of green was one of my favorite colours at that age, and because he ""was a party dude" I loved to place him on the table and spin him on his back like a spinning top.I even had the huge blimp which I really loved. My auntie had made me and my brother a custom costume complete with eye mask, elbow and knees pads and turtle shell, and my costume was based on Leonardo.

So that is another post about another item from my collection and sadly my last action figure from a retro animated series. This show meant a lot to me and I was both a huge fan of the show and of the toys.This figure is a representation of that. There was a lot of great shows that I was a fan of when I was growing up, too many to remember, but the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is one I would never forget.
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