Hello readers,
I'm catching up on some of my recent Graphic Novels reviews. Daredevil Vol. 1 was the last one I read that I received at Christmas and the rest that have followed from then up until last night. Hope you enjoy them and you find these useful.
Marvel Masterworks Daredevil Vol.1
Marvel Masterworks is a series of graphic novels collecting issues of the original series of Marvels most loved characters. These books reprint the issues in full colour. Marvel Essential series collect more issues in a single volume but all issues are in black and white. So in my opinion Marvel Masterworks are the best choice when wanting to experience the original incarnations of Marvels most popular heroes. This Daredevil collection features the first 11 issues of Stan Lee’s Man without fear, Daredevil. Issue one depicts his origin and the rest of the book follows his early adventures and foes. All was as introducing readers to Foggy and Karen Page.
I thought this was a fantastic book full of crazy and really out there moments that would have been the norm in the 70’s when these comics were first published. There fun and gives readers a real taste of how these characters in their first incarnation.Daredevil meets many foes and a love triangle develops between Karen, Foggy and Matt. These earliest stories were the inspiration for Tim Sales and Jeph Loeb’s much loved mini series Daredevil: Yellow.
The Justice League are not the only ones who can come together working towards a common goal. Enter the Legion of Doom.The Justice Leagues fall at the hands of their villains as they all strike them at once, how will the heroes come back and how will they stop the evil plans of all their enemies combined. This Graphic Novel collects all 12 issues of this mini series by Jim Kruger and the amazing Alex Ross.This is a brilliant book, I got such a kick out of it and I couldn't recommend it enough. It was a great story from Alex Ross and Jim Krueger. This 12 issue series is one of the best books I've read in recent months.
Although superhero stories can be very complex and have over the decades grew past the traditional good guy vs. the bad guys kind of stories. This story is both the traditional aspect of a group of Superheroes and Super-villains facing each other while still being an extremely clever and sophisticated blockbuster of a tale. It feels epic.
When a group of villains all experience a shared dream of earth’s demise and The World’s Greatest Super-Heroes, the Justice League unable to stop it they form an alliance to prevent the destruction of the planet. Every character gets their moment in this story with each hero narrates their own chapter that their the lead in, giving great variety to the narrative as villains take down heroes, one by one in a coordinated attack, while the characters like Poison Ivy and Captain Cold are doing good deeds to benefit mankind as the Legion of Doom turn the populace against earth's heroes. The story is full of great surprises and turns that I don't want to give away. Its one of the best Justice League stories out there and I cannot praise this book enough, it’s exceptional, a good old fashioned tale of good guys vs. the bad in this awesome story.
Justice League Vol.4 The Grid
Throne of Atlantis was the high point of the series and in my opinion, the best stories of Justice League New 52. This story carries on for the events from Throne of Atlantis where the League wants to expand it ranks and give full time membership to many of it's reserves. Two story-lines exist in this book, the second is that of the Justice League series has been building to since its beginning; The Trinity War, where three different Leagues to war over a mysterious object. The Trinity War was the first big crossover event and this volume collects the first and the concluding chapter of the epic story-line with chapters of the story found in other books of to complete the Trinity War story arc. I wasn't really a fan of this story, it was good but it to too hard to top the three previous volumes that have come before it; Origin, The Villain’s Journey and the crowning glory Throne of Atlantis. These tales by Geoff Johns and various artists just got better and better and will be difficult to top. I enjoyed this book but I don’t feel the need to go and seek out the missing parts to complete the story, it wasn't for me. On a positive note I was extremely satisfied with the final issue and conclusion of the Trinity War story as it paved the way for a bigger and more interesting plot to unfold in Volume 5 with the arrival of the Crime Syndicate of Earth-3.
Green Lantern: Secret Origin
Geoff Johns retells comics most popular Green Lantern, Hal Jordan’s origin story. This story was released mid way through Johns 2005-2011 series in issues of Green Lantern #29 - #35. The story was re-imagined to include several new aspects of the Green Lantern mythos; The Blackest Night prophecy and the introduction of Atrocitus , the soon be leader of the Red Lanterns. This story line served as the main inspiration for the Green Lantern 2010 live action movie in which Geoff Johns was involved with. You get to discover a lot of similarities between the book and the movie, even some direct quotes and scenes. The also focuses on some of Hal’s moments of his youth. The book is great and it tells the pretty standard origin story and it does a great job of wetting your appetite and wanting more of a Green Lantern story. This book is a great introduction into Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Sector 2814.
Such an brilliant book and suspenseful a murder mystery story. The 7 issue miniseries by Brad Meltzer, a well known and acclaimed thriller novelist creates a truly suspenseful and dark tale. Sue Dinby, wife of the Elongated Man is preparing her husbands Birthday surprise when an unknown intruder attacks and resulting in Sue’s murder. This tale takes a more human look at our heroes, every hero is out searching for the killer while still in fear that their own loved ones could be next.
This was a hugely successful story. I think it is exceptional when writers incorporated a classic genre story into the world of Super-heroes. Green Arrow has a prominent role in the story and long buried secrets come to light. There is a division in the Justice League, a team within a team. It is a great aspect of this story. It will keep you hooked from start to finish and with ramifications for years to come.
Geoff Johns 6 issue mini-series that resurrected the greatest Green Lantern of them all, Hal Jordan.
Hal made the ultimate sacrifice and had taken his final bow. A new Green Lantern of earth had taken his place. Kyle Rayner had been earth's primary Green Lantern for many years since Hal’s death and he is vital in his resurrection. Hal’s body was dead but his soul was seeking redemption and became the host for the Spectre; the Spirit of Vengeance. During the Identity Crisis story I was introduced to this aspect of Jordan’s new existence and during a conversation with his best friend Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, Hal teased that he was working on something when Oliver asked him about making a return to the land of the living.
This was easily one of the greatest Green Lantern epics that will ever be told. At a previous Comic Con DC Comics had a video of various creators and had a montage of them all specifying it was one of the best stories and also this was the place for new fans to begin with Green Lantern. Mid way through the story Kyle summarizes the events that had transpired to fully catch the reader up to what had happened. It was a great part in the story and if you had been a long time reader of Green Lantern you would know the story but it was delivered here is such a great fashion and integral to the story.
It is another one of those epic stories that features the entire Justice League and other heroes including the other earth bound Green Lanterns. It is easily one of the most important Green Lantern stories of in existence and better again Green Lantern’s Brightest Day.
Green Arrow: Year One
I've had this book for quite a while and it was worth the wait. I'd been saving it along with other Green Arrow books for after the fantastic second season of the ARROW TV series had come to its conclusion. I was waiting to enjoy these books when I was missing the greatest TV show I had ever watched.
Green Arrow is a great character to get into, he's one of my favorites and it's great getting into the characters roots. These comics are the TV series inspiration as well as potential future story lines. Green Arrow graphic novels new and old are growing in popularity due to the success of the show and Green Arrow: Year One is the best place to start. First of all I love the cover, when I ordered the book online it had a different cover image. This one is just exceptional looking and so reminiscent on the ARROW TV series. Green Arrow Year One as the title suggests is the origin story of how Star City's Emerald Archer came to be. This 2007 mini series written by Andy Diggle with great art by Jock who modernizes and retells the events the led to the arrival of Green Arrow.
Oliver Queen; frivolous playboy and reckless thrill-seeker, who also seeks more out of life, and after a rather embarrassing public display Oliver decides to join his friend and bodyguard, Hackett on a sea voyage. Oliver later finds himself betrayed and left for dead, marooned on a not so deserted island. He struggles to survive the harsh environment and later stumbles upon drug running cartel that has enslaved some the islands inhabitants for their drug manufacturing operation all ran by a woman Oliver has named China White. He has always been seeking a more meaningful life and has now found one thing he does care about, justice. Oliver takes the stand to stop them and free the people, and all while figuring out what he wants to do with his life and who he wants to be. The story plays out like a survivor action story in this grounded superhero origin tale. All the adventure takes place on the island while giving birth to a new hero for justice.
This series served as an inspiration for the creation of the ARROW TV series. Writer Andy Diggle even has two characters named after him, one of the main characters John Diggle who has a brother named Andy. The character of China White, whose first and only appearance is in this limited series, appears in the television series, - Season 3 has her introduced as a main villain in the flashbacks- direct homage, it seems, to her role in Year One.
This book is a great start for fans looking to begin an interest in the Emerald Archers stories. Green Arrow Year One manages to tell a thrilling re-imagining of Oliver Queen's beginnings as Green Arrow that keeps the essence of the original origin but updates it in a very formidable approach to Green Arrow's definitive origin story.
Green Lantern: No Fear
The greatest Green Lantern of them all is back. I really enjoyed Green Lantern: Rebirth, Hal’s resurrection and redemption was complete, now it time for him to get on with his life as Hal Jordan and a Green Lantern. No Fear was the follow up and the re-launch of a new Green Lantern series penned by Geoff Johns. The book collects the first six issues. I wanted to get this because I like origin stories and stories early in a hero’s career. I was interested too because it is an earth bound Green Lantern story. It featured two antagonists that I as a reader haven’t encountered before. The opening segment is beautifully illustrated by Darwyn Cooke. His work is a joy to behold but in my collection of graphic novels it is scarce. The opening of the book is Hal flying with Kyle Rayner, without him Hal would not have gotten a second chance and Hal is very grateful of that. The story could never be as good as its predecessor but is still good. It is a new start and introduction to the series and Hal’s life on his home. I enjoy his new relationship with General Stone, calling on Green Lantern when matters arise. There is some great action scene’s in this story, especially those involving The Shark, a gruesome villain that I've never encountered before. The book is great and I really enjoyed the earth bound element of it all. I liked the “What Has Gone Before” cosmic recap of events. The book was great but for now I’ll skip the next two books and go straight into the next big event;The Sinestro Corps War is coming soon.
Bye for now